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We are a Voluntary Community Group working endlessly for a cleaner, tidier, greener, nicer and lively town in which to live, work, shop, stroll and visit.
We value and preserve our heritage. We are improving our green areas and our biodiversity, and our unique coastal environment.

Dún Laoghaire Tidy Towns Group

We welcome volunteers of all backgrounds, ages and abilities.

We work closely with local businesses, other community organisations and Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown county council who provide us with significant financial support in the form of grants.

Come along and join us - we meet every Saturday morning 10h30 am, and Tuesday afternoon 1h45 pm during the academic year at St. Michael's Square (corner of Marine Road and George's Street).

We also have an ongoing need for additional funds to meet our running expenses and finance some our projects.

To become one of our volunteers and / or to support us financially please select the buttons below.

Latest News

general notice 3.jpeg

Autumn Winter Cleanup times

New Storage Shed.

We have a brand new shed for storing our equipment. Many thanks to Father Paul Tyrrell for providing the area and to DLRCOCO for the grant funding and erecting the fencing.


Who We Are

The Dún Laoghaire Tidy towns group was re-established in January 2020.

We have a large and growing group of volunteers and we carry out many activities in the Dún Laoghaire area. 

Our objectives are:

Enhance the physical and social environment of Dún Laoghaire Town and its environs. 

Represent Dún Laoghaire Town in the National TidyTowns competitions, Tidy Districts, Dublin Neighbourhood Awards and any other competitions deemed beneficial to the promotion of the Town. 

Liaise with governing authorities such as Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council to aid in the development and management of a litter free, clean, green and biodiverse environment for the Town and its environs.

The group upholds equal opportunities and works towards good relations amongst all members of the community, specifically prohibiting any conduct which discriminates or harasses on grounds of race, age, religion, disability, political belief, sex or sexual orientation. The group is non-political and non-sectarian. 

All volunteers are most welcome to our group. You can also help us realise our projects and contribute to our running expenses by donating 


What are our activities

Cleanups of Dún Laoghaire

We meet every Saturday morning at 10h30, corner of Marine Road and Georges Street.
During the academic year Transition Year students from a number of secondary schools take part in a range of activities each Tuesday from 2pm

Improving biodiversity - Renovating, planting, maintaining green areas

We have renovated and planted several sites in the town including the Carnegie Library gardens, Bloomfields wild flower meadow and Boylan Centre, Sussex Street. Other areas we look after include the lavender beds in Georges Street, St. Michael's Square and the Bell Tower of St. Micheal's church. Many more to come!!

Harbour and coastline

We devote a lot of effort to cleaning our piers, harbour area and the pleasure gardens at the East pier.

Dún Laoghaire Heritage and Signage

We are working with DLRCOCO to re-establish the town identity using appropriate welcome signage based on its historic past

Bring the ❤️ back in Dún Laoghaire

Contact Dún Laoghaire Tidy Towns Group



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